I guess many have heard the tragic news from Lampedusa already, where 127 immigrants were found dead crossing the sea to reach Europe. 200 are missing in the sea and about 200 are saved. Many people react with horror, but this is something that has been going on for years and years and thousands of people are already dead. The difference is that now it happened to many immigrants in one day. The day before 13 bodies were found and no reaction. That is the difference.

The region of Sicily and sicilians do what they can, and they do a good job with the little money municipalities get from local taxes as the italian government do not support Sicily with public money as they do for north italian municipalities. Infact now the region of Sicily will project a graveyard only for dead immigrants so they can at least rest in peace.

About 10 boats a day comes here, about 1000-2000 people a day what the police knows about. The situation has been out of control for years. Sicilians donate with foods, clothes and toys for children. Some even give shelter in their homes and some even offer a job for new immigrants. There are shelters here where immigrants are taken, they even get some money to buy necessary things. But the flow is many times too much to bare and there ain’t room for everybody.

Sicily is a passage island, many move on to France because of the language or because they have relatives there, and to Belgium and Scandinavia for the generous social support. As they said in italian news there are three types of immigrants: economical, social and those who really are in need. It is those who really are in need who we should focus on. An immigrant in need does not come with a flight, they come with these dangerous wooden boats and risk their lives and they have left the terrible refugee camps UN has set up.

Italian government and EU are right to be critisized, because they have known about this situation for many years and left Sicily and south Italian coast to handle the mess by themselves. Infact the mayor of Lampedusa has been in Bruxelles several times to inform that the Mediterranean sea has become a Sea of Dead.

I lived in the south coast for 3,5 years, and during the early morning or evening walks on the beach you can see these boats coming or immigrants hiding e.g under the fisherman boats. Then they run into the greenhouses to hide so they do not get taken away by the police. Nights when you drive the small roads from e.g. Ragusa to the beach villages you can see people walking up north if they do not manage to hide before you pass. And never during these 4,5 years have I met anyone here talking bad about these people. I have met quite alot of humanity and also that our governments are to blame creating wars in these countries and then these people try to find a better life coming here.

There are also street rumours that an EU sea police is actually gunning down these boats in the sea (street rumours are many times true). And it is a fact that Malta coast police stop the immigrants in the sea and force them to turn to Italy.

For more information please Google. Keywords: Immigrati or Immigrants, Lampedusa, Malta, Sicily


Jag antar att m?nga har h?rt den tragiska nyheten fr?n Lampedusa redan, d?r 127 invandrare hittades d?da d? de korsat havet f?r att n? Europa. 200 saknas i havet och cirka 200 har r?ddats. M?nga m?nniskor reagerar med skr?ck, men det ?r n?got som har p?g?tt i ?ratal och tusentals m?nniskor ?r redan d?da. Skillnaden ?r att det nu drabbade m?nga invandrare p? en dag. Dagen innan hittades 13 kroppar och ingen reaktion. Det ?r skillnaden.

Siciliansk regionen och sicilianare g?r vad de kan, och de g?r ett bra jobb med de lite pengar kommunerna f?r fr?n lokala skatter eftersom den italienska regeringen inte st?djer Sicilien med offentliga pengar som de g?r f?r norditalienska kommuner. Faktum ?r att regionen nu kommer att projicera en kyrkog?rd endast f?r d?da invandrare s? att de kan iallafall vila i frid.

Cirka 10 b?tar om dagen kommer hit, cirka 1000-2000 personer per dag vad polisen vet om. Situationen har varit utom kontroll i flera ?r. Sicilianare donerar med livsmedel, kl?der och leksaker f?r barn. Vissa ger ?ven skydd i sina hem och en del erbjuder ?ven ett jobb f?r nya invandrare. Det finns anl?ggningar d?r invandrare tas in, de f?r ?ven lite pengar f?r att k?pa n?dv?ndiga saker. Men fl?det ?r m?nga g?nger f?r mycket att hantera och det finns inte plats f?r alla.

Sicilien ?r en passage ?, m?nga flyttar till Frankrike p? grund av spr?ket eller f?r att de har sl?ktingar d?r, och till Belgien och Skandinavien f?r det gener?sa sociala st?det. Som de sa i italienska nyheterna s? finns det tre typer av invandrare: ekonomisk, social och de som verkligen ?r i behov. Det ?r de som verkligen ?r i behov som vi b?r fokusera p?. En invandrare i behov kommer inte med ett flyg, de kommer med dessa farliga tr?b?tar och riskerar sina liv och de har l?mnat de fruktansv?rda flyktingl?ger FN har inr?ttat.

Italiens regering och EU ska med all r?tt kritiseras, eftersom de har vetat om denna situation i m?nga ?r och l?mnat Sicilien och s?dra Italiens kust att hantera r?ran sj?lva. Faktum ?r att borgm?staren i Lampedusa har varit i Bruxelles flera g?nger f?r att informera om att Medelhavet har blivit ett Hav av D?da.

Jag bodde vid den s?dra kusten i 3,5 ?r, och under tidiga morgon- eller kv?llspromenaden p? stranden kan du se dessa b?tar som kommer eller invandrare som g?mmer sig t.ex. under fiskarnas b?tar. Sedan springer de in i v?xthusen f?r att g?mma sig s? att de inte tas bort av polisen. N?tterna n?r du k?r sm?v?gar fr?n t.ex. Ragusa till strandbyarna kan du se m?nniskor g? upp norrut om de inte lyckas g?mma sig innan du passerar. Och aldrig under dessa 4,5 ?r har jag tr?ffat n?gon h?r som talar illa om dessa m?nniskor. Jag har tr?ffat ganska mycket medm?nsklighet och ?ven ord att v?ra regeringar ?r att skylla som skapa krig i dessa l?nder och sedan f?rs?ker dessa m?nniskor?hitta ett b?ttre liv i v?ra l?nder.

Det finns ocks??gaturykten om att ett EUs havspolis faktiskt s?nker ner dessa b?tar i havet (gatrykten ?r m?nga g?nger sant). Och det ?r ett faktum att Maltas kustpolis stoppar invandrare redan i havet och tvingar dem att v?nda sig till Italien.

F?r mer information v?nligen Googla. Nyckelord: Immigrati eller Immigrants, Lampedusa, Malta, Sicily