"Si bedda commu u suli. A ma vita fussi vacanti senza ri tia!"

Category: Militello (CT)

A Rainy DaY in Militello – Just PassinG By

In these small sicilian towns, hidden between the mountains you find the sicilian lifestyle. Take a coffee and study the people. Seeing these old men in the Piazza and Tabacchaio corners talking and talking, surely about the same things they talked yesterday and last week…and life goes on.

Walking to the narrow streets meeting women talking to each other about Idda and Iddu (her and him) and other neighbor issues to be solved. Perhaps it wa someones birthday, or foreigners bought a house in the area, or baptism of grand kids…and life goes on.

Rent a car, drive around, take your time, drink that coffe in central Piazza…relax. People stare, they ask the cafe owner who these new comers are… And this is life! Not much has changed since the last century.


I dessa sm? sicilianska st?der, g?mda mellan bergen hittar du den sicilianska livsstilen. Ta en kaffe och studera folket. Att se dessa gamla m?n i Piazzan och Tabacchaio h?rnan prata och prata, s?kert om samma saker som de pratade om ig?r pch f?rra veckan… och livet forts?tter.

G? kring de smala gatorna d?r du m?ter kvinnor som pratar med varandra om Idda och Iddu (henne och honom) och andra grannfr?gor som ska l?sas. Kanske var det n?gons f?delsedag, eller utl?nningar k?pte ett hus i omr?det, eller dop f?r barnbarn … och livet forts?tter.

Hyr en bil, k?r runt, ta din tid, drick det d?r kaffet i centrala Piazzan … koppla av. M?nniskor stirrar, de fr?gar kaf??garen vem de h?r nykomnna ?r … Och det h?r ?r livet! Inte mycket har f?r?ndrats sedan f?rra seklet.


The church with only female saints

In Militello Val di Catania is a church with only female saints decorating the walls and paintings.? Chiesa della Madonna della Catena is built 1541 probably for a female religious group.


I Militello Val di Catania finns en kyrka med bara kvinnliga helgon som dekorerar v?ggarna och m?lningarna. Chiesa della Madonna della Catena byggdes 1541 f?rmodligen f?r en kvinnlig religi?s grupp.


Inside you find an extraordinary decoration, art work by Antonino di Blanco of 1690, depicting the mysteries of the Holy Rosary and twelve Holy Virgins, framed by festoons and cornucopias. This church is the only feminine pantheon where some of the most important female saints of catholicism are portrayed: Agata, Agrippina, Anastasia, Apollonia, Barbara, Caterina, Dorotea, Lucia, Maddalena, Margherita, Marta, Orsola, each recognizable by respective iconographic attributes.

Inuti hittar du extraordin?r dekoration, konstverk av Antonino di Blanco fr?n 1690, som visar mysterierna av den Holy Rosary och tolv Holy Virgins, inramade av festoons och cornucopias. Denna kyrka ?r den enda kvinnliga pantheonen d?r n?gra av katolicismens viktigaste kvinnliga heligon ?r portr?tterade: Agata, Agrippina, Anastasia, Apollonia, Barbara, Caterina, Dorotea, Lucia, Maddalena, Margherita, Marta, Orsola, vilka k?nnetecknas av respektive ikonografiska attribut.


Coste di Santa Febronia and ancient city of Palagonia

Since som years I am part of a sicilian history and cultural group where we visit ancient places and experts in the area tells us all about the place and about sicilian history. Before the trip to Scandinavia we visited Coste di Santa Febronia located in the valley of Catania, between Palagonia and Militello. This is a place created by the hermits. On the top you find an ancient greek city with original cave carvings and paintings. Here you also find many edible plants and 5 million year old fossiles. The final leftovers are from year 1500 when the place got abandoned. You can see on the mountain walls different levels of the water.

We are approximately 400 m a.s.l. with a fantastic view.


Sedan ett par ?r ?r jag med i en siciliansk historia- och kulturell grupp d?r vi bes?ker antika platser och experter inom omr?det ber?ttar allt om platsen och om siciliansk historia. Innan resan till Skandinavien bes?kte vi Coste di Santa Febronia som ligger i Catania dalen, mellan Palagonia och Militello. Detta ?r en plats som skapats av eremiter. P? toppen hittar du en gammal grekisk stad med original grottristningar och m?lningar. H?r hittar du ocks? m?nga ?tbara v?xter och 5 miljoner ?r gamla fossiler. De slutliga resterna ?r fr?n ?r 1500 n?r platsen blev ?vergiven. Du kan se de olika vattenh?jderna p? bergsv?ggarna.

Vi ?r ca 400 m.?.h med en fantastisk utsikt.

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She was actually the Saint of Knowledge

On our sunday hikes to historical and cultural places you find lots of interesting things. Like this. Virgin Mary was actually no virgin at all, as the church teaches. This original painting from 1200 A.C in an ancient church cave shows her as the Saint of Knowledge, as she was. Her image is on the right with a pile of books by her side.


P? v?ra s?ndags promenader till historiska och kulturella platser finner vi mycket intressanta saker. Som detta. Jungfru Maria var faktiskt inte oskuld alls, som kyrkan l?r. Denna originalm?lning fr?n 1200 e.Kr i en gammal kyrkgrotta visar henne som Kunskapens helgon. Precis det hon var. Hennes avbild ?r till h?ger med en h?g av b?cker bredvid.
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