Have found an amazing small trattoria in Catania city center. It is small with a short menu, but the flavors overwhelms you and made me almost cry. The antipasti buffe is generous with the best Caponata I ever tasted and with so many varieties made of vegetables. For dessert I ordered Pannacotta which I do not even prefer because normally it is so sweet. I ordered one more. It is made by the owner.
Ask for zia Lucia to choose the food for you, do not miss the pistachio and almond rolls. And ask Marco to make a sorbetto with vodka.
Prices are low: a sicilian dinner with 1/2 liter house wine approximately 50 euros for two people.
All artisan and local food. Much comes from familys own farms and businesses.
We have been here already twice in one week. It is amazing!

Adress: Trattoria Tipica Siciliana, Via Teatro Massimo (by piazza Bellini)

Har hittat en fantastisk liten trattoria i Catanias centrum. Den ?r liten med en kort meny, men smakerna ?verv?ldigar dig och fick mig n?stan gr?ta. Antipasti buffen ?r gener?s med den b?sta Caponata jag n?gonsin ?tit och med s? m?nga sorter gjorda av gr?nsaker. F?r dessert best?llde jag Pannacotta som jag inte ens f?redrar eftersom den normalt ?r s? s?t. Jag best?llde en till. Den ?r gjord av ?garen.
Be zia Lucia att v?lja maten ?t dig, missa inte pistage- och mandelrullar. Och be Marco att g?ra en sorbetto med vodka.
Priserna ?r l?ga: en siciliansk middag med 1/2 liter husets vin cirka 50 euro f?r tv? personer.
Allt ?r gammeldags och lokal mat. Mycket kommer fr?n familjens egna g?rdar och verksamheter.
Vi har varit h?r redan tv? g?nger under en vecka. Det ?r fantastiskt!

Adress: Trattoria Tipica Siciliana, Via Teatro Massimo (vid piazza Bellini)