So we hit soon 2,5 years of the facade renovation and it is really nerv wracking for all of us in the building. I had enough of the nagging around and went to see the workers. Asked where the manager is and of course he is not available so I spoke to the workers in front of me. Clearly explained that a facade renovation in Sweden takes 10-14 days for a building like this and cost much less than people here has paid. If their manager wants to get an update to the real world, tell him to contact me and I can put him in contact with some companies in north Europe to see how renovations are done. Then after this information I was talking to the manager anyway! And I said Good, then the message got to the right person. This renovation is ridiculous!

The renovation has cost each apartment in general 15,000 euros (15,000 x 3 apartments x 4 floors x 2 buildings = 360,000 euro !! ). Everyone has paid, but the company started to create some trouble by asking more money and at the end the people here had to pay 3,000 euro more to finish the work which no one knows when it will finish. Look at the photo and you see that everything is made by hand and they have to pull up even the sand for the cement to blend it. Then they have these indoor rollers to paint the facade. Then the company has lured the people that the floor they have on the balconies is not legal (???) and they have to buy new flooring from them and of course people believed it and everyone had bought new flooring. Even the woman next door who just spent 3,500 euro for a new flooring the year before the renovation started.

Many construction companies blames the government for the trouble they have in their sector and also blame the new law “Zero Cemento” which means they have to put focus on environmental friendly solutions. Guess how many sicilian construction companies has updated themselves? Perhaps 1 or 2. This is the main issue in Sicily in general, no interest to make changes and just do things as they have always done. Banca Italia has clear statistic that updated companies in Sicily has no crisis at all, in fact are increasing their turnover, but those who refuse to develop are also those who fail!

S? vi passerar snart 2,5 ?r av fasadrenovering och det ?r verkligen nervigt f?r oss alla i byggnaden. Jag fick nog av tjatet runtomkring och gick f?r att se arbetarna. Fr?gade efter chefen och naturligtvis ?r han inte tillg?nglig s? jag talade till arbetarna framf?r mig. F?rklarade tydligt att en fasadrenovering i Sverige tar 10-14 dagar f?r en byggnad som denna och kostar mycket mindre ?n vad m?nniskorna h?r har betalat. Om deras chef vill f? en uppdatering till den verkliga v?rlden, tala om f?r honom att kontakta mig och jag kan s?tta honom i kontakt med n?gra f?retag i norra Europa s? han kan se hur renoveringar g?rs. Efter denna information talade jag tydligen med chefen i alla fall! Sade Bra, d? har meddelandet kommit till r?tt person. Denna renovering ?r l?jlig!

Renoveringen har kostat varje l?genhet i genomsnitt ? 15.000 (15.000 x 3 l?genheter x 4 v?ningar x 2 byggnader = 360.000 ? !!). Alla har betalat, men f?retaget b?rjade skapa vissa problem genom att beg?ra mer pengar och sedan var de boende tvungen att betala 3000 ? mer f?r att avsluta det arbete som ingen vet n?r den kommer att avslutas. Titta p? bilden och du ser att allt g?rs f?r hand och de m?ste dra upp ?ven sanden f?r cement f?r att blanda det. Sen har har de dessa inomhusrollers f?r att m?la fasaden. D?refter har f?retaget lurat i folket att golvet de har p? balkongen ?r inte laglig (???), och de m?ste k?pa nya golv fr?n dem och naturligtvis trodde de boende p? detta och alla har k?pt nytt golv. ?ven kvinnan bredvid som precis spenderat ? 3500 f?r ett nytt golv ?ret innan renoveringen p?b?rjades.

M?nga byggf?retag anklagar regeringen f?r besv?ren de har i sin sektor och skyller p? den nya lagen Zero Cementovilket inneb?r att de m?ste s?tta fokus p? milj?v?nliga l?sningar. Gissa hur m?nga sicilianska byggf?retag har uppdaterat sig? Kanske 1 eller 2. Detta ?r grundproblemet p? Sicilien i allm?nhet, inget visar intresse att g?ra f?r?ndringar och bara g?r saker som de alltid har gjort. Banca Italia har tydlig statistik att f?retag som uppdaterar sig p? Sicilien har ingen kris alls, faktiskt ?kar sin oms?ttning, men de som v?grar att utveckla sig ?r ocks? de som misslyckas!