So, many have been so worried about me meeting the mafia in Sicily and that will never happen. But there is another mafia to be aware of and those are much stronger than the real mafia, it is the female family mafia.

As a newold member in a family filled with sisters, mothers and other in-married females there is always someone following you. Well, not anymore, but in the beginning. In Sicily when there is a new female in the family, she gets normally involved in the female gang. It is all females in closest family that hangs out every day and often in the mothers house. They do everything togehter; take care of kids, cook together, fix nails and hair, dosmall errands together, buy same home decoration and then homes looks the same with same colors, curtains, solutions ecc. But the leader is always the mother of the family and then sisters, sisters in law, daughters and grandchildren are under that command. Then command stops then the father walks into the house, then he is the family head.

So of course over 1,5 years ago when hubby and I decided to live together, strong forces tried to put me in the same female gang and I refused. Also because I work, I am not interested to raise others children and my life is so totally different from theirs. The females are very friendly, but it took alot of time to make them understand that I know how to run a household and have also taught hubby to do so (it will be another blogpost about that). Several times they have tried to come in and choose where the coffee cups should be, check where the ironing board is, tell me to call one of the sisters to clean the house, check the detergent…at the beginning they came with lunch everyday before they understood that I can cook since 10 years old and also hubby cooks. Then it took the longest to make female mafia to understand that I live organic and sustainable. The home cleaning eco products took a long time to pass and I am not sure if they have passed yet.

The best part of all was when I put the sofas together, and no one could help me because they have never touched a screwdriver. I think that in moment the coin started fell down.

I have been through this many times in Ragusa when I lived by myself and with my ex. But this time it is not a shock anymore and I can handle it much better. It is just their way of doing things….


S?, m?nga har varit s? oroliga att jag ska m?ta maffian p? Sicilien och som aldrig kommer att h?nda. Men det finns en annan maffia att vara medveten om, och de ?r mycket starkare ?n den verkliga maffian, och det ?r den kvinnliga familje maffian.

Som ny medlem i en familj fylld med systrar, m?drar och andra ingifta kvinnor finns det alltid n?gon som f?ljer dig. Tja, inte l?ngre, men i b?rjan. P? Sicilien n?r det finns en ny kvinna i familjen, blir hon normalt deltagare i det kvinnliga g?nget. Det ?r alla kvinnor i n?rmaste familjen som ?r tillsammans varje dag och ofta i moderns hus. De g?r allt tillsammans; tar hand om barnen, lagar mat tillsammans, fixar naglar och h?r, g?r sm??renden tillsammans, k?per samma heminredning och sedan ser alla hem likadana ut med samma f?rger, gardiner, l?sningar etc . Men ledaren ?r alltid mamman i familjen och sedan ?r systrar, sv?rd?ttrar, d?ttrar och barnbarn under det kommandot. Kommandot upph?r d? fadern g?r in i huset , d? han ?r familjens huvud .

S? naturligtvis ?ver 1,5 ?r sedan n?r jag och f?stmannen beslutade att bo ihop, f?rs?kte starka krafter s?tta mig i samma kvinnog?ng och jag v?grade. Ocks? f?r att jag jobbar, jag ?r inte intresserad av att uppfostra andras barn och mitt liv ?r s? helt annorlunda fr?n deras. Kvinnorna ?r mycket v?nliga, men det tog mycket tid att f? dem att f?rst? att jag vet hur man driver ett hush?ll och har ocks? visat f?stmannen hur man sk?ter ett hush?ll (det kommer att bli ytterligare inl?gg om det ). Flera g?nger har de f?rs?kt att komma in och v?lja var kaffekopparna b?r vara, kolla var strykbr?dan ?r, s?ga till mig att ringa en av systrarna f?r att st?da huset, kolla tv?ttmedlet…i b?rjan kom de med lunch varje dag innan de f?rstod att jag kan laga mat sedan 10 ?rs ?lder och ?ven min f?stman kockar. Sen tog l?ngst tid att f? kvinnliga maffian att f?rst? att jag lever ekologiskt och h?llbart. St?dnings ekoprodukterna tog l?ng tid att passera och jag ?r inte s?ker p? om de har passerat ?n.

Den b?sta delen av allt var n?r jag satte ihop soffor, och ingen kunde hj?lpa mig f?r de aldrig har r?rt en skruvmejsel. Jag tror att i det ?gonblicket b?rjade myntet trilla ner .

Jag har varit med om detta m?nga g?nger i Ragusa n?r jag bodde sj?lv och med mitt ex. Men den h?r g?ngen ?r det inte en chock l?ngre och jag kan hantera det mycket b?ttre. Det ?r bara deras s?tt att g?ra saker…