Mina senaste tv? resor till Sverige har varit under mycket upptagen?tid p? Sicilien.
P? Sicilien du ?r s? upptagen med allt och har en massa?beslut att g?ra i arbetet att du gl?mmer att ha samma skarpa ?ga n?r det g?ller ditt privatliv. Jag fr?gade mig sj?lv nyligen?varf?r jag inte?skyddar mitt privatliv s? mycket som jag skyddar mitt arbete? P? Sicilien g?r dagarna mycket snabbt. Du tr?ffar ocks? mycket folk, f?r mycket?val och?omgivningen ?r inte s? s?ker socialt som jag ?r van vid. Tack vare den h?r resan har jag f?tt perspektiv p? m?nga saker som h?nder i mitt liv just nu.
Resor till Sverige ?r inte bara att tr?ffa min underbara familj och v?nner men ocks? att f? perspektiv. G?ra nya tidsplaner och g?ra de d?r viktiga?besluten jag aldrig g?r p? ?n.

Det ?r dags nu f?r mig nu att inte leva f?r dagen. Det har varit kul den h?r tiden, men nu ?r det dags att g?ra en ny fem?rsplan.
Det ?r ocks? dags f?r mig att rensa ut vissa m?nniskor som fastnade i det h?r snabba t?get, men har ingen funktion ?n att f?rs?ka dra bromsarna eller?komma in i v?ra gruppers verksamhet genom ett enkelt s?tt.
Det ?r ocks? dags f?r mig att g?ra plats f?r en annan person i mitt liv. Denna f?r?ndring kommer att ta tid eftersom jag ?r van att ta hand om mig sj?lv (det ?r ett heltidsjobb bara det…LOL!) och t?nka bara p? mina behov…men med tiden…

S? det ?r sammanfattningen av Sverige resan som b?rjar ta sitt slut n?r jag?imorgon reser?tillbaka till Sicilien.

Eng: My latest two trips to Sweden have been during very busy moments in Sicily.
In Sicily you are so busy with everything and have alot of desicions to make in work that you forget to have the same sharp eye when it comes to your private life. I asked myself Why don’t I protect my personal life as much as I protect my work? In Sicily days passes very fast. You meet too much people, too much choises?and the envoirment isn’t as safe socially as I’m used to. Thanks to this trip I have got perspective to many things that are happening in my life.
Trips to Sweden are not only to meet my wonderful family and friends but also to get perspective. Make new time plans and make those important desicions I never make on the island.

It’s time now for me now to not live by the day. It has been fun this time, but now it’s time to?make a new five?year plan.
It’s also time for me to clean out some people that got hooked up in?this speedy train, but have no function than trying to pull the brakes or get in our group business by easy way.
It’s also time for me to make room for another person in my life. That change will take time as I’m used to take care of myself (it’s a fulltime job only that..LOL!)?and think of my needs…but with time…

So that’s the summary of this Sweden trip that starts to come to an end as I’m going back to Sicily tomorrow.