A person I know was always complaining about his job and salaries does not arrive in time and the director sometimes brakes balls paying some of the staff and some not, just to be evil (This kind of company leaders are very common here). He is a honest and good worker, is never sick from work and work lots of extra days every month because his colleagues does not show up or call in sick often ecc. I avoid? talking about the italian system because the general opinion is that it does not work, but it actually does and the conditons are better than in Sweden for e.g. these cases.

Now it happened again that he did not get his paycheck, but all the rest did. He really needed his money. He was about to bring in an expensive lawyer. I told him not to do it and trust the system first and call his union. He said it is just a waste of time. But after several days of dialogue I showed him how to collect evidence against his company and how to speak to the union. Then he called the union, the same day union sent a letter to the company and next day he got his paycheck. The the union called him and said of there will be any more problems, call them immediately!

In Italy the system works, but many people wants to get things from the system that they have no right to get, e.g. people who create problems at work showing up late or call in sick often and gets fired, housewifes who then wants a pension and have not contributed anything to the society, students who do not go to school and later sue the school for not passing the year….and list is long. So many people here does not know anything about their rights nor obligations, and few shows interest to get information.

I guess it is about the same in every country.


En person som jag k?nner klagar alltid om sitt jobb och att l?nerna inte kommer i tid och direkt?ren ibland krossar ballar genom att betala en del av personalen och en del inte, bara f?r att vara elak (Denna typ av f?retagsledare ?r mycket vanliga h?r). Han ?r en ?rlig och bra arbetare, ?r aldrig sjuk fr?n jobbet och jobbar mycket extra dagar varje m?nad eftersom hans kollegor inte dyker upp eller ?r sjuka ofta ecc. Jag undviker att tala om det italienska systemet, eftersom den allm?nna uppfattningen ?r att det inte fungerar, men det g?r den faktiskt och de villkoren ?r b?ttre ?n i Sverige f?r t.ex. dessa fall.

Nu h?nde det igen att han inte fick sin l?n, men alla andra fick. Han beh?vde verkligen hans pengar. Han var p? v?g att ta in en dyr advokat. Jag sa till honom att inte g?ra det och lita p? systemet f?rst och ringa sin fackf?rening. Han sade att det ?r bara ett sl?seri med tid. Men efter flera dagar av dialog visade jag honom hur man samlar in bevis mot hans f?retag och hur man talar till f?rbundet. Sedan ringde han f?rbundet, samma dag skickade f?rbundet ett brev till f?retaget och n?sta dag fick han sin l?n. Facket ringde honom och sa att om det blir n?gra fler problem, ringa dem omg?ende!

I Italien fungerar systemet, men m?nga m?nniskor vill f? saker fr?n det system som de inte har r?tt att f?, till exempel m?nniskor som skapar problem p? jobbet genom att komma sent eller ringa in sjuk ofta och f?r sparken, hemmafruar som sedan vill ha en pension och har inte bidragit med n?got till samh?llet, studenter som inte g?r i skolan och senare st?mmer skolan f?r att inte passera ?ret …. och listan ?r l?ng. Otroligt m?nga h?r vet inte om sina r?ttigheter eller skyldigheter, och visar inte heller intresse av att ta reda p? dem.

Jag antar att det ?r ganska samma i alla l?nder.