The italian insurance system is perhaps the most fraudulent system in this country. Every insurance is expensive because this is one of the sectors all parts try to get that extra dime. I always look for the cheapest option and only pay fro RCA, which means only the basics to cover damages for third part. You can get lucky with good insurances if you are all very good friend with the agent or who deals with issues.

My car got damaged by my neighbour last year. He tried to intimidate me with his temper and size that the accident was my fault. It clearly was his and I screamed back at him everywhere he raised his voice. The insurance company finally put the blame on him. With accidents you have to be very careful as you are not allowed to move the items before the police comes to document how the accident may have happened and it is their final that counts very much in the version to the insurance company. DO NEVER MOVE YOUR THINGS EVEN IF IT BLOCKS THE TRAFFIC! My neighbor moved his car. The police was very angry at his behaviour as he even tried to make me look like a fool infront of the police. There are very prejudices againts people from east Europe here and my neighbor did not know I was from Scandinavia. So when police took my documents they told the man “that this woman come from one of the best countries in the world. And look at our country and your behaviour. It is easy to knoe who to believe.” It is terrible this way they think, but this is the way it is here.

So then starts the insurance process. With all papers the company calls a controller and asks me to bring the car to a mechanic. Now it gets interesting. I calculated the damages to be maximum 500-600 euro. After ten days comes the controller from my insurance company and without my presence he and the mechanic calculates the damages to be 1200 euro. It was way too much. But in Italy it works often this way that perhaps the mechanic took 600 for work and 600 was given as black money to the controller from the insurance company. I was then sent a check of 1200 euro. I have to go to the postoffice to change it to money. Then go to the mechanic and give the cash for a receipt. This whole paperwork and get the car repaired took four weeks. It went faster than normal as I got also got a witness and many people back me up with their point of view. My neighbor had to move as so many were angry at him.

Never ever spend your money in advance. It is a very little chance you get them back. I recommend to just pay for the cheapest insurance and no extras. Please just take this as a recommendation, then of course you decide what to do.? It is also better to have insurances through your bank, as there you already have a personal connection.? Often you find the cheapest options online.

I got the recommendation to visit a doctor and ask the company for neck and back pains. Many do it here even if nothing happens. This way you can get your extra dime, 4000-7000 euro, for free. But then also the process takes much longer. I did not do it! Many thinks I am a fool.


The money I am taking to mechanic? // Pengah?gen som ska till mekanikern


Det italienska f?rs?kringssystemet ?r kanske den mest bedr?gliga systemet i det h?r landet. Varje f?rs?kring ?r dyr eftersom det ?r en av de sektorerna som alla parter f?rs?ker f? mj?lkat extra ?ren. Jag ser alltid efter det billigaste alternativet och betalar bara RCA, vilket inneb?r endast grunderna f?r att t?cka skador f?r tredje part. Du kan ha tur med bra f?rs?kringar om du ?r mycket god v?n med agenten eller den som sysslar med skadefr?gor.

Min bil blev skadad av min granne f?rra ?ret. Han f?rs?kte skr?mma mig med sitt hum?r och storlek att olyckan var mitt fel. Det var helt klart hans fel och jag skrek tillbaka p? honom ?verallt han h?jde r?sten. F?rs?kringsbolaget la slutligen skulden p? honom. Med olyckor m?ste man vara mycket f?rsiktig, det inte ?r till?tet att flytta objekten innan polisen kommer f?r att dokumentera hur en olycka kan ha skett och det ?r deras sista ord som r?knas mycket i versionen till f?rs?kringsbolaget.? FLYTTA ALDRIG DINA ?GODELAR ?VEN OM DET BLOCKERAR TRAFIKEN! Min granne flyttade sin bil. Polisen var mycket arg p? hans beteende n?r han f?rs?kte f? mig att se ut som en d?re framf?r polisen. Det finns mycket f?rdomar mot m?nniskor fr?n ?steuropa h?r och min granne visste inte att jag var fr?n Skandinavien. S? n?r polisen tog mina handlingar sa de till mannen “att denna kvinna kommer fr?n en av de b?sta l?nderna i v?rlden. Och titta p? v?rt land och ditt beteende. Det ?r l?tt att best?mma vem man ska tro.” Det ?r fruktansv?rt detta s?tt att t?nka, men det ?r s? det ?r.

Sen startar f?rs?kringsprocessen och med alla papper kallar f?retaget en skadereglerare som ber mig ta bilen till en mekaniker. Nu blir det intressant. Jag ber?knade skadorna vara maximalt 500-600 euro. Efter tio dagar kommer skaderegleraren fr?n mitt f?rs?kringsbolag och utan min n?rvaro ber?knar han och mekanikern att skadorna kostar 1200 ?. Det var alldeles f?r mycket. Men i Italien fungerar ofta p? detta s?tt att kanske mekanikern tog 600 f?r arbete och 600 gavs som svarta pengar till skaderegleraren fr?n f?rs?kringsbolagets check. Jag skickades sedan en check p? ? 1200. Jag m?ste g? till postkontoret f?r att l?sa ut den till pengar. G? sedan till mekanikern och ge pengar mot ett kvitto. Hela detta pappersarbete och f? bilen reparerad tog fyra veckor. Det gick fortare d? jag hade vittne, samt m?nga som st?dde min version. Min granne fick till slut flytta f?r s? m?nga var arg p? honom.

Aldrig n?gons spendera egna pengar i f?rv?g. Det ?r en mycket liten chans att du f?r dem tillbaka. Jag rekommenderar att bara betala f?r den billigaste f?rs?kringen och inget extra. V?nligen bara ta detta som en rekommendation, d? naturligtvis du best?mmer hur du ska g?ra. Det ?r ocks? b?ttre att ha f?rs?kringar via din bank, eftersom du redan har en personlig koppling. Ofta hittar du de billigaste alternativen p? n?tet.

Jag fick rekommendationen att bes?ka en l?kare och be f?retaget ers?ttning f?r nack- och ryggsm?rtor. M?nga g?r det h?r, ?ven om ingenting h?nder. P? s? s?tt kan du f? lite extra pengar, 4000-7000 euro, gratis. Men d? blir ocks? processen mycket mycket l?ngre. Jag gjorde inte det! M?nga tycker att jag ?r en idiot.