With my friend I was invited by the municipality of Catania for the first celebration evening of the cities saint Sant’Agata. Had the honor to follow the festivities from the municipal building at Piazza Duomo. From the balcony we could get glimpes of the festivities in the main piazza. The celebration in Piazza Duomo starts every year at 20:00 the first evening, first 20 minutes there are speaches and the other 20 minutes the orchestra plays classical music and fire works are set of in the same rythm. It looks amazing! And when “Vincero” was played you could not hold back the emotions. If you ever are in Catania when the Saints festivities starts, be sure to be at the piazza in good time to experience one of the most amazing festivities in the world.


Av min v?n blev jag inbjuden av kommunen Catania f?r f?rsta festkv?llen f?r stadshelgonet Sant’Agata. Hade ?ran att f?lja festligheterna fr?n kommunhuset p? Piazza Duomo. Fr?n balkongen kunde vi f? inblick i festligheterna p? stora torget. Firandet i Piazza Duomo b?rjar varje ?r kl 20:00 den f?rsta kv?llen, f?rsta 20 minuterna tal och de ?vriga 20 minuterna spelar orkestern klassisk musik och ny?rsraketer sm?lls i samma rytm. Det ser fantastiskt ut! Och n?r Vincero” spelades kunde inte k?nslorna h?llas tillbaka. Om du n?gonsin ?r i Catania n?r helgonets festligheterna b?rjar, se till att vara p? torget i god tid f?r att uppleva en av de mest fantastiska festligheterna i v?rlden.