In some countries the communication is so polite that you do not understand what people say. I had the same issue here in Sicily the first year. I spoke so democratically correct that people had hard times to understand what I said. Today it is different and all thanks to Sicily. I have learned to speak directly and say what I like about things. No more, it may be like this but on the other hand
I speak the same wherever I go. First in some countries people get surpriced to get a direct approach, but they seem to be relieved because they understand what you say. This direct communication has also avoided many misunderstandings and conflicts. I like this way of talking and will keep it!

I vissa l?nder ?r kommunikationen s? artig att du inte f?rst?r vad folk s?ger. Jag hade samma problem h?r p? Sicilien f?rsta ?ret. Jag talade s? demokratiskt riktigt att folk hade sv?rt att f?rst? vad jag sa. Idag ?r det annorlunda och allt tack vare Sicilien. Jag har l?rt mig att tala direkt och s?ga vad jag tycker om saker. Inget mer, det kan vara s? h?r, men ? andra sidan
Jag pratar samma vart jag ?n g?r. F?rst i vissa l?nder blir m?nniskor ?verraskade att f? en direkt approach, men de verkar vara l?ttade eftersom de f?rst?r vad du s?ger. Denna direkta kommunikationen har ocks? undvikit m?nga missf?rst?nd och konflikter. Jag gillar det h?r s?ttet att tala och kommer att beh?lla det!