Det f?rsta (efter Maffian f?rst?s) m?nga t?nker om Sicilien??r att sicilianare aldrig ?r i tid. 10 minuter kan vara en timme eller till och med aldrig. Det st?rsta misstaget jag alltid gjort var att?bete mig som en?typisk svensk och vara redo fem minuter tidigare utn?mnd tid. Det tog mig mycket, mycket l?ng tid att l?ra mig leva med detta. Egentligen har jag l?rt mig det nu. Business m?nniskor p? bes?k s?ger samma sak. Aaah, de?skulle ha varit h?r fem minuter sedan. Jag svarar dessa dagar: N?v?l, l?t oss ta en kopp kaffe. <----Titta d?r! Vad och vem har jag blivit...hahahaaa! Innan gjordes en hel del telefonsamtal och?blev argare och argare f?r varje minut som gick. Jag blir fortfarande irriterad, men nu hittat n?gra l?sningar: Ex 1: Jag?ber dem alltid h?mta mig ist?llet f?r att m?ta dem. H?mta mig p? hotellet, mitt hem eller ett k?pcentrum?d?r jag var tvungen att g?ra lite ?renden ?nd?. Jag ?r aldrig f?rdig i tid l?ngre med de m?nniskor som alltid ?r sena. Jag?l?ter dem v?nta tills jag t.ex. har arbetat f?rdigt, bytt kl?der eller vad jag nu gjorde n?r de ?ntligen dyker upp. Ex 2: Om du ska plocka upp bes?kare fr?n flygplatser eller till andra viktiga m?ten, s?ger jag alltid 30-60 minuter innan verkliga tiden. T.ex. om vi verkligen beh?ver vara p? en plats vid 18:00, s?ger jag 17:00, och vi brukar komma 17:40. Och jag s?ger bara: L?t oss?ta en kopp kaffe.

Ex 3: Om det finns dokument att f?rbereda och de m?ste s?ndas utomlands l?t oss s?ga 10 maj. Jag s?ger 5:e maj och de kommer 7:e maj och med vissa korrigeringar?via telefon kan vi skicka dem 9:e maj. Och mottagaren i utlandet?reagerar Vad???, de ?r verkligen?i tid och f?rst?r ingenting.

Ex 4: Sicilianare s?ger Det kommer att vara klart om tv? veckor! Dubbla den tiden. Och det kommer normalt efter 4 veckor och har inte ruinerat dina?f?rv?ntningar.

Ex. 5: Jag?brukar?inte ge?n?gon en andra chans. Om de ?r mycket sena till ett m?te, g?r jag bara. F?r om de verkligen vill arbeta och tj?na pengar,?kommer de?eller ringer om de ?r sena.

De som verkligen arbetar framg?ngsrikt har l?rt sig att komma i tid eftersom ekonomin utomlands ?r under tidspress och du f?r inte m?nga eller inga fler chanser. Det finns m?nga sicilianare som faktiskt ?r i tid och m?nga som l?r sig. Men du?tr?ffar?ibland folk du m?ste arbeta med och som ?r alltid sena.?D? beh?ver man bara anv?nda de l?sningar som ovan.

Och jag gl?mmer ibland. Precis som nu med en k?pare utomlands…Han v?ntar och v?ntar…och det ?r mitt fel eftersom jag gl?mde att anv?nda exempel 3. Om du vill arbeta i Sicilien, m?ste du ha lite tidsutrymme i starten. N?r saker och ting b?rjar rulla och allt pappersarbete ?r gjort, d? allt detta v?ntande ?ver och saker g?r fort. Jag kallar denna fas?Dominoeffekt.

Pazienza …

Eng: The first thing (after mafia of course) people know Siciliy of that?sicilians are never in time. 10 minutes can be one hour or even never. The biggest mistake I’ve always made?was to be a typical Swede and be ready five minutes earlier the appointment time. It has took me a very, very long time to learn to live with?this. Actually, I’ve learned it now. Business people on visit says the same thing Aaah, they should have been here five minutes ago. I answer these days Well, let’s take a coffee. <----Look at that! What and who have I become...hahahaaa! Before I made alot of phone calls and got angrier and angrier for every minute that passed. I still get irritated, but now found some?solutions: Ex 1: I always make them to pick me up instead of meeting them. Pick me up at the hotel, my home or a shopping mall were I had to do some errands anyway. I’m never ready on time anymore with the people that are always late. I make them wait until I e.g. have finished working, changed clothes or whatever I was doing when they finally show up. Ex 2: If you’re going to pick up visitors from airports or to other important meetings, I always say 30-60 minutes before actual time. E.g. if we really need to be at a place at 18:00, I say 17:00 and we arrive usually 17:40. And I just say:?Lets’ have a coffee.

Ex 3: If there are documents to prepare and they has to been sent abroad lets say 10th May. I say 5th May and they arrive 7th May and with some corrections over the phone we can send them 9th May. And the reciever abroad is like What???, they’re really on time and understands nothing.

Ex 4: Sicilians say It will be ready in two weeks! I just double that time. And it arrives normally after 4 weeks and no expectations ruined.

Ex. 5: I usually don’t give anyone a second chance. If they’re really late to an appointment, I just go. Because if your’e really interested to work and earn money, you show up or call if you’re late.

The people that really works in a successful way has learned to be on time because the economy abroad is under time pressure and you don’t get many or no more chances. There are many sicilians that actually are on time and many that learn. But you always bump in to people that you must work with and are always late. Sometimes you just need to use the solutions above.

And I forget sometimes. Like now with one buyer abroad…he is waiting and waiting…and it’s my fault as I forgot to use example 3. If you’re going to work in Sicily, you have to have some time space in the beginning. When things starts to roll and all paper work is done, then all this waiting will be over and things goes fast. I call?this stage?the Domino Effect.
