Most part of the Sicily has no forest. You find some forest on Etna and on the north side of Etna. But most of the land is bare land with some vegetation with low trees and bushes. Sicily has not always had this landscape. A long time ago Sicily was filled with forests, but all trees was cut down as conquerors always used the fertile island for agricultural produce lika Saffron, Wheat, Wine and much more. Then also for sulfur. Sicily has many sulfur mines, but those a closed today.


St?rre delen av Sicilien har ingen skog. Du hittar en del skog p? Etna och p? norra sidan av Etna. Men det mesta av marken ?r bar mark med lite vegetation med l?ga tr?d och buskar. Sicilien har inte alltid haft det h?r landskapet. F?r l?nge sedan var Sicilien fylld med skogar, men alla tr?d kapades av er?vrare som anv?nde ?ns b?rdiga jord f?r jordbruksproduktion som t.ex. saffran, vete, vin och mycket mer. Sen ?ven f?r svavel. Sicilien har m?nga svavelgruvor, men de ?r st?ngda idag.

TourJan 038