I was invited to celebrate New Years with my favorite sicilian group Ciauda, it is an amazing multicultural band singing something that reminds of a mix of sicilian traditional style and french street music,? and they sing in both languages too. Here are some pics from New Years Eve and the party location with Ciauda playing live music. There were also concert arranged by the Catania municipality at piazza Duomo where thousands of people were dancing in the new year. Thanks to the Ciauda location we saw the New Years concert and also Ciauda live. I did not have the chance to get a photo of the nine course buffet because it was so crowded 🙂 .

Ciauda site: www.ciauda.it

My favorite Ciauda Song ;? Liaison


Jag var inbjuden att fira ny?r med min sicilianska favorit? grupp Ciauda, det ?r ett fantastiskt m?ngkulturellt band som spelar n?got som p?minner om en blandning av siciliansk traditionell stil och fransk gatumusik, och de sjunger p? b?da spr?ken ocks?. H?r ?r n?gra bilder fr?n ny?rsafton och lokalen med Ciauda som spelar live musik. Det fanns ocks? en konsert arrangerad av Catania kommun p? Piazza Duomo, d?r tusentals m?nniskor dansade i det nya ?ret. Ovan finner ni Ciaudas hemsida och l?nk till en av mina favortis?nger. Tack vare platsen s? kunde vi se Ny?rskonserten samt Ciauda live. Hade dock inte chansen att fotografera nior?tters buffen f?r det var s? mycket folk d?r 🙂 .