"Si bedda commu u suli. A ma vita fussi vacanti senza ri tia!"

Tag: Window

Let she sunshine in

The first months here in Sicily many people told me that millions of sicilians have left the island and there should live about 20 million people here if not people chose to leave. The story sounds like it has happened recently, but it happened over a hundreds of years ago when you understand the sicilian history after a while here. But at first I thought that it must have happened just decades ago because so many houses looks abandoned with closed windows and bars up to fourth floor. But then after some time I have understood that people live inside their apartments not letting the daylight in. Many areas looks abandoned, but are not because people live like this. In Ragusa I thought I was the only one living on the street, but in fact every apartment was inhabited.


De f?rsta m?naderna h?r p? Sicilien ber?ttade m?nga m?nniskor att miljontals sicilianare har l?mnat ?n och det ska egentligen leva ca 20 miljoner m?nniskor h?r om inte folk valde att l?mna ?n. Historien l?ter som det har h?nt p? senare tid, men det h?nde ?ver ett hundra ?r sedan och inser det n?r du f?rst?r sicilianska historien efter ett tag h?r. Men f?rst trodde jag att det m?ste ha h?nt bara decennier sedan eftersom s? m?nga hus ser ?vergivna ut med st?ngda f?nster och galler upp till fj?rde v?ningen. Men sedan efter en tid har jag f?rst?tt att m?nniskor lever i sina l?genheter och l?ter inte dagsljuset skina in. M?nga omr?den ser ?vergivna ut, men ?r det inte f?r folk lever s? h?r. I Ragusa trodde jag att jag var den enda som bodde p? gatan, men i sj?lva verket var varje l?genhet bebodd.


It’s a beautiful world out there – Silence

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