"Si bedda commu u suli. A ma vita fussi vacanti senza ri tia!"

Tag: Wine Tasting

Cin Cin sailing the coast

August and September is much about attending wine events in Sicily. The wine harvest starts soon in south Sicily and goes on until end September in some parts of the island. Here on a wine tasting sailing by the coast from Riposto to Taormina, incuding a buffet.


Augusti och september handlar mycket om att delta p? vinevenemang p? Sicilien. Vinsk?rden b?rjar snart p? s?dra Sicilien och p?g?r till slutet av september p? vissa delar av ?n. H?r p? en vinprovning som seglar vid kusten fr?n Riposto till Taormina, med en buff?.

Wine event by Wine Not?

Through my new company Sicily Wine & Dine, that I am building up, I received a very nice invitation from Sabatina wine association to participate in their wine event Wine Not? It held place in north Sicily in a romantic small mountain village called Sant’Andrea with over 20 wine producers present. Here I found couple of interesting suppliers in the organic wine field. Also learned about a new wine variety called Faro which is a mix of five local wine grapes.

It was one of the best wine events I’ve been to, very well organized and they kept the food area in another location so one could concentrate on wine only. They even had ice boys walking around to make sure white and brut wines were constantly chilled.


Genom mitt nya f?retag Sicily Wine & Dine, som jag bygger upp, fick jag en mycket trevlig inbjudan fr?n Sabatina vinf?rening att delta i deras vinevenemang Wine Not? Den h?lls p? norra Sicilien i en romantisk liten bergsby som heter Sant’Andrea med ?ver 20 vinproducenter n?rvarande. H?r hittade jag ett par intressanta leverant?rer inom det ekologiska vinf?ltet. L?rde mig ocks? om en ny vinsort som heter Faro som ?r en blandning av fem lokala vindruvor.

Det var en av de b?sta vinevenemang som jag varit p?, mycket v?lorganiserad och de h?ll matomr?det p? en annan plats s? att man bara kunde koncentrera sig p? vin. De hade till och med ispojkar som gick runt f?r att se till att vita och brut vinerna var st?ndigt kylda.

Wine tasting for 4

The wine association I am a member of organizes special wine tastings also with small groups and we went to visit a small winery by the Etna slopes who produces only 3,700 bottles a year. Here we walked in the wineyards, learnt about the vine process, special details of the soils effect and how the rains fall….and at the end we tasted the winerys red and white wine together with other products produced on the yard and local cheeses. A special day in a special place.


Vinf?reningen som jag ?r medlem i organiserar speciella vinprovningar ?ven med sm? grupper och vi h?ngde med f?r att bes?ka en liten ving?rd vid Etnas backar som producerar endast 3,700 flaskor om ?ret. H?r gick vi kring vinrankorna, l?rde oss om vinprocessen, speciella detaljer om markens effekt och hur regnen faller …. och i slutet smakade vi ving?rdens r?da och vita vin tillsammans med andra produkter som produceras p? g?rden och lokala ostar. En speciell dag p? en speciell plats.


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