22nd to 28th May Taormina is closed for visitors and only residents and workers with a pass can get in. Everything is been carefully searched before they let you in with a pass and by the metal detectors by Porta Messina and Porta Catania the queues are very long. All his for the G7 meeting to be held 26th and 27th May, this weekend. The road entrances to Taormina looks like the border from Palestina in to Israel (yes, I have seen them myself). G7 is highly excessive.

I has been stressful times for us working here in the tourism sector as the information has been close to zero from authoroties and so many rumours has been circuling like “they will close the highway” and “internet and telephones will be closed down!”, which are silly rumours but typical for Sicily to create more mess than necessary. Roads has been closed an opened with not much pre warning so much has had to be solved in last minute to understand how to get e.g. guests to the hotels. It is not the works or events like G7 and Giro Italia, that passed here a week ago, that disturbes, it is just the bad organisation and lack of information. It is quite fascinating to see how adult men in leadership positions do not manage to do more than create more mess of a mess and the mayor crying in the media that he is the most hated man. Well, you are not respected that for sure as an german five year old could have done the work much better. So please take in outside competence the next time you even think of organizing a big event here again.

Some words has wispered in the ear that the company that got millions in euro to renovate all the streets in Taormina is Renzis friend who just opened a VAT number this year to be able to get the contracts. Well, I can believe that is true as it is the Italian Style. Atleast we have new nice roads, roads signs, renovated bridges that got damaged from last years tropical rains, new walls…until the first rains comes as they have also managed to cover the drainings. Who live will see! And then Black Bloc will demostrate in Giardini Naxos this weekend and you probably remember how their demostration went in northern Italy 10 years ago with coma and death. Nobody understands how a mayor can allow them … but that’s how it is when the money talks.

For women who love men in uniforms it will be in total of two weeks of drooling and vet dreams as only 9,000 military soldiers has arrived and even more cops. Champagne cork to be fired towards the sea when all this is over 28th afternoon! Ciao from Taormina!


22-28 maj ?r Taormina st?ngd f?r bes?kare och bara boende och arbetare med ett pass kan ta sig in. Allt blir noggrant genoms?kt innan de sl?pper in med ett pass och vid metalldetektorerna vid Porta Messina och Porta Catania ?r k?erna mycket l?nga. Allt detta f?r G7-m?tet som h?lls den 26 och 27 maj, denna helg. V?garna till Taormina ser ut som gr?nserna fr?n Palestina in till Israel (jo, har sett dem sj?lv). G7 kraftigt ?verdrivet.

Vi inom turistsektorn har haft stressiga tider eftersom informationen har varit n?ra noll fr?n auktoriteter och s? m?nga rykten har cirkulerat som “de kommer att st?nga motorv?gen” och “internet och telefoner kommer att st?ngas!”, dumma rykten men typiska f?r Sicilien att skapa mer r?ra ?n n?dv?ndigt. V?garna har st?ngts och ?ppnats med inte s? mycket f?rvarning s? mycket har varit tvunget att l?sas i sista minuten f?r att f?rst? hur man f?r till exempel g?sterna till hotellen. Det ?r inte arbeten eller h?ndelser som G7 och Giro Italia, som passerade h?r f?r en vecka sedan, som st?r utan det ?r bara den d?liga organisationen och bristen p? information. Det ?r ganska fascinerande att se hur vuxna m?n i ledarpositioner inte lyckas g?ra mer ?n att skapa mer r?ra av en r?ra och borgm?staren gr?ter i media att han ?r den mest hatade mannen. Ja, du ?r inte respekterad f?rvisso eftersom en tysk fem?ring kunde ha gjort jobbet mycket b?ttre. S? sn?lla ta in extern kompetens n?sta g?ng du ens t?nker p? att organisera en stor h?ndelse h?r igen.

Vissa viskningar i ?rat har sagt att f?retaget som fick miljoner i euro f?r att renovera alla gatorna i Taormina ?r Renzis v?n som just ?ppnat ett momsnummer i ?r f?r att kunna f? kontrakten. Tja, jag kan tro det ?r sant d? det ?r den italienska stilen. I allra h?gsta grad har vi nya fina v?gar, v?gskyltar, renoverade broar som har skadats under det senaste tropiska regnen, nya murar … tills de f?rsta regnen kommer d? de ocks? lyckats att t?cka avloppen. Den som lever kommer att se! Och sen ska Black Bloc demostrera i Giardini Naxos till helgen och ni minns s?kert hur deras demostration gick i norra Italien f?r 10 ?r sedan med koma och d?d. Ingen f?rst?r hur en borgm?stare kan till?ta dem…men det ?r v?l s? n?r pengarna talar.

F?r kvinnor som ?lskar m?n i uniformer kommer det att vara totalt tv? veckors dr?ggel och v?ta dr?mmar d? endast 9000 milit?rer har anl?nt och ?nnu fler poliser. Champagnekorken ska skjutas mot havet n?r allt detta ?r ?ver den 28:e p? eftermiddagen! Ciao fr?n Taormina!