No matter what local women want to make you believe, but Sicily is still very much divided in gender roles. Perhaps little bit less in big cities like Catania, but much more so in small cities and villages. So I went to the hardware store couple of villages further from where I live, because everything is much cheaper there (gas, electronics, foods ecc). Went to a hardware store to pick up some things to fix things at home. It took some while before I got any help because the clerks thought I was there with a man. When men came and left, and I still were in the store, they asked if I was there to sell something or if I was looking for something. I said what I wanted to buy and also tools for it. Then there was a silence in the store and suddenly the men started to clap their hands saying It is amazing this woman not only buys the pieces she needs, but she also know the tools she needs to fix things. Complimenti Singorina! Not everyday a woman goes into a hardware store that is very much seen as the men department.

Daily life in Sicily


Oavsett vad lokala kvinnor vill f? dig att tro, men Sicilien ?r fortfarande mycket delat i k?nsroller. Kanske lite mindre i stora st?der som Catania, men mycket mer s? i sm? st?der och byar. S? jag ?kte till j?rnaff?ren ett par byar l?ngre bort fr?n d?r jag bor, eftersom allt ?r mycket billigare d?r (bensin, elektronik, livsmedel ecc). Gick till en j?rnaff?r f?r att plocka upp n?gra saker f?r att fixa saker hemma. Det tog tid innan jag fick n?gon hj?lp eftersom personalen trodde jag var d?r med en man. N?r m?n kom och gick, och jag var fortfarande i butiken, fr?gade de om jag var d?r f?r att s?lja n?got eller om jag letade efter n?got. Jag sa vad jag ville k?pa samt verktygen f?r det. Sedan kom en tystnad i butiken och pl?tsligt b?rjade m?nnen klappa sina h?nder och s?ger att Det ?r h?pnadsv?ckande! Denna kvinna k?per inte bara delarna hon beh?ver, men hon vet ocks? de verktyg hon beh?ver f?r att fixa saker. Complimenti Signorina! Inte varje dag en kvinna g?r in i en j?rnaff?r som ses mer som m?nnens avdelning.
Dagliga livet p? Sicilien


Just some parts to change filters and tubes / Ett par saker f?r byte av filter och r?r