Titles in Italy are very important. Everyone who has a university degree or a higher status makes sure people uses Direttore, Dottore, Professoressa and so on. It was very difficult for me to learn all these titles and I still do not know because each position has its own title. So I say Dottoressa or Professore to be sure. Then I also explain that I am not used to titles because in scandinavia we do not use them.
In central europan countries they also use titles, but not so often like Italy.
It is also quite funny that when a person has almost finished their studies they use the title everywhere, also on business cards even if they do not have a job.
I have also decided not to use a title when I work. Everybody knows I have university studies, am an entrepreneur, and still will study. The reason why I do not want to use the title is that people starts to act different and they get a false respect for me. It is nicer to meet people as they are and have a relaxed sitiuation.

As a wine producer says “At the end we will all end up in 1×2 m” (the box)

Titlar i Italien ?r mycket viktigt. Alla som har en h?gskoleexamen eller en h?gre status ser till att folk anv?nder Direttore, Dottore, Professoressa och s? vidare. Det var mycket sv?rt f?r mig att l?ra mig alla dessa titlar och jag vet fortfarande inte eftersom varje position har sin egen titel. S? jag s?ger Dottoressa eller Professore att vara s?ker. D? f?rklarar jag ocks? att jag inte ?r van vid titlar eftersom i Skandinavien anv?nder vi inte dem.
I centraleuropeiska l?nder anv?nds ocks? titlar, men inte s? ofta som Italien.
Det ?r ocks? ganska roligt att n?r en person n?stan har avslutat sina studier, s? anv?nder de titeln ?verallt, ?ven p? visitkort och ?ven om de inte har ett jobb.
Jag har ocks? beslutat att inte anv?nda min titel n?r jag jobbar. Alla vet att jag har h?gskoleutbildning samt entrepren?r, och fortfarande kommer att studera. Anledningen till att jag inte vill anv?nda titeln ?r att folk b?rjar agera annorlunda och de f?r en falsk respekt f?r mig. Det ?r trevligare att tr?ffa m?nniskor som de ?r, och ha en avslappnad situation.

Som en vinproducent s?ger I slutet kommer vi alla att hamna i 1×2 m (l?dan)