Last night we woke up at 2am to an explosion right under the building we live in. We went out to see what has happened and saw some black smoke coming up. C suspected the post office ATM has been robbed and his suspicions were right. This morning there was just a big hole in the wall where the ATM used to be. So the thieves has used dynamite to blow up the whole thing and the disappeared. It was fast job.


I natt vaknade vi vid 02:00 till en explosion precis under huset vi bor i. Vi gick ut f?r att se vad som h?nt och s?g lite svart r?k som kom upp. C misst?nkte att postens Bankomat har blivit r?nad och hans misstankar var r?tt. I morse var det bara ett stort h?l i v?ggen d?r Bankomaten brukade vara. S? tjuvarna har anv?nt dynamit f?r att spr?nga det hela och de ?r f?rsvunna. Det var ett snabbt jobb.