"Si bedda commu u suli. A ma vita fussi vacanti senza ri tia!"

Tag: law

Memorial site for Giovanni Falcone, his wife and bodyguards

This is the memorial site for judge Giovanni Falcone in the Maxi Process against the Sicilian mafia, his wife Francesca Morvillo and his bodyguards; Vito Schifani, Rocco Dicillo and Antonio Montinaro.

Killed by the Corleone mafia 23rd of May 1992 when 500 kg of TNT exploded from under the highway right on this spot. Thanks to cigarett butts and change of Italian crime law allowing DNA tracing, the murderers could be found.

More information Google “Strage di Capaci”

Memorial site on Google Maps “Monumento alla Strage di Capaci”

Not knowing your rights….

One major problem in Italy is that people think that their rights finishes at the italian Codice Civile or by some small town judges decision and then their lives are destroyed. Sicilians rather trust a lawyers or commercialistas words than take time to study by themselves. So many times in the news e.g. you read about people who have paid double taxes and the municipality can not return the money because the money is used. Just recently in a north italian town many inhabitants has paid the IMU twice. They had already paid the IMU, but the municipality had by mistake sent out new IMU bill to pay and people paid because they were afraid of what may happen if they do not pay. So now the municipality can not refund the money because they have used the money and it will take a long time to solve this. So why pay if you already have paid? And divorced fathers who are not allowed to see their kids but still has to pay in full for kids and wife. Ruled by some small town judge. So sad.

Italian civil rights do not end in Italy, they end at the European Union court. This finnish mother is an excellent example when she 2009 won in EU over italian courts, who threw her out. This decision caused a rage in Italy where even italian politics screamed in TV wishing death for the EU judges and took the case back to EU court. Then she lost the second round. I am not sure how this has ended, but it seems that the case is still going. Article here: Human rights ruling against classroom crucifixes angers Italy.?

Italian companies and authorities uses threats and screams very often to people even if they do not have the right to demand payment (I have experiences of this). They do this because they know that majority of the population will pay and stay silent. And they know that the majority of the population do not know that their rights goes far outside italian borders.

One other classic local thing to do is to hide the problems under the carpet, pretend they do not exist and hope for the best.

Italy has also now an illegal government, it is not elected by the population but hurries to increase taxes and create new taxes.


Ett stort problem i Italien ?r att folk tror att deras r?ttigheter slutar vid den italienska Codice Civile eller beslut gjorts av n?gon liten stadsdomare och deras liv f?rst?rs. Sicilianare litar hellre p? advokater eller commercialistas ord ?n att tar sig tid att studera p? egen hand. S? m?nga g?nger l?ser man p? nyheterna om m?nniskor som t.ex. har betalat dubbla skatter och kommunen inte kan betala tillbaka eftersom pengarna anv?nds. Nyligen i en nord italiensk stad har m?nga inv?nare betalat IMU tv? g?nger. De hade redan betalat IMU, men kommunen hade av misstag skickat ut ny IMU r?kning att betala och folk betalade f?r att de var r?dda f?r vad som kan h?nda om de inte betala . S? nu kan kommunen inte ?terbetala pengarna eftersom de har anv?nt pengarna och det kommer att ta l?ng tid att l?sa detta. S? varf?r betala om du redan har betalat? Och skilda f?der som inte har r?tt att se sina barn, men ?nd? m?ste betala fullt ut f?r sin fru och sina barn. Beslutat av en sm?stads domare. S? tr?kigt.

Italienska medborgerliga r?ttigheter stannar inte i Italien, de hamnar hos EU domstolen. Denna finska mamma ?r ett utm?rkt exempel n?r hon 2009 i EU vann ?ver italienska domstolarna, som hade kastat ut henne. Beslutet orsakade en ilska i Italien d?r ?ven italienska politiker skrek i tv och ?nskade d?den f?r EU domarna och tog ?rendet till EU domstolen. D? f?rlorade hon den andra omg?ngen. Jag ?r inte s?ker p? hur denna historia ?r avslutad, men det verkar som att ?rendet fortfarande p?g?r. Artikel h?r: Human rights ruling against classroom crucifixes angers Italy.

Italienska f?retag och myndigheter anv?nder sig av hot och skriker v?ldigt ofta till m?nniskor, ?ven om de inte har r?tt att kr?va betalning (har sj?lv mycket erfarenhet av detta). De g?r det d?rf?r att de vet att majoriteten av befolkningen kommer att betala och h?lla tyst. Och de vet att st?rre delen av befolkningen inte k?nner till att deras r?ttigheter g?r l?ngt utanf?r italienska gr?nser.

En annan klassisk lokal sak att g?ra ?r att d?lja problemen under mattan, l?tsas att de inte finns och hoppas p? det b?sta.

Italien har nu ocks? en illegal regering som inte ?r folkomvald, som ?r snabb med att ?ka och skapa nya skatter.

When will you get married?

A question that pops up from people quite often here is When will you get married? And I answer When the lawyer has guaranteed that my man is free from all legal obligations. And that I am guaranteed not to have working problems by some law if we would get kids.

I am very tired of these women are victims media and documentaries from these areas. Because that image is not true. That information does never bring up the legal benefits women have here when they get married and why so many foreign women wants to marry an italian. And why ain’t there a study of how many women worked before and after the wedding?

When a couple gets married the woman enters in the mans economical circle. Which means that if the man has not been smart enough to protect his assets, he may never be able to divorce or has to kill to get rid of his wife. As if he wants a divorce, the man has to maintain the womans lifestyle for the rest of her life or until she gets married again. This means he has to pay a monthly sum to his ex-wife until she dies or gets married again. This is not valid if the woman is rich and the man not, he does not get a penny.

Then as many here notice is that within a year after marriage the first child is born. This way she is guaranteed to the mans house until the youngest child is 18 years old. So not only must he pay, he also loses his home. And as many may have noticed that the woman often stops working after the wedding because she knows he has to provide for her.

If the man wants to divorce, (I write the man because it is often the man who sends in the request), it depends on if they got married in church or civil. If they got married in church, as most do, the divorce takes years, at least 3-4 years, and costs alot of money for the man of course. Civil within a year and one fixed sum. To avoid that his ex-wife gets his assets, their home if often registered as his fathers property and to avoid to pay for his ex-wife ends many times that he gets a residence at his parents, lives somewhere else and makes himself unemployed and finds a job that is not registered. Without an registered income, he does not have to pay for her. Custody of children the mother gets automatically even if she has no income.

Have followed some female homicide cases and see that many times the story is the same, the man wants to divorce but he can’t because of economic reasons. This is one big reason why so many women gets killed by their husbands.

Also personally know some men in this shitty situation. All they want is that the ex-wife somehow disapears forever or gets married again. One man pays 800 ? for his ex-wife, 350 ? for his child. He is allowed to see his child twice a month for 24 hours. He and his new woman can not start a new life together until the church divorce goes through. Three years has already passed. His ex-wife is young and can work, but she does not need to as she gets 1150 ? monthly forever from her ex-husband to come. He was smart enough that when he bought property, all is registered on his family. She does not get any part of that.

Does this make sense?

Then people say that they do not divorce like we do in our godless countries. Well, here a divorce is separate bedrooms or man lives in another property, but the couple is registered under the same address.? Non official divorces here are as common as official ones in our countries with easier laws.


En fr?ga som dyker upp fr?n folk ganska ofta h?r ?r N?r ska du gifta dig? Och jag svarar N?r advokaten har garanterat att min man ?r fri fr?n alla r?ttsliga skyldigheter. Och att jag inte lagligen f?rhindras i arbetet om vi skulle f? barn.

Jag ?r v?ldigt tr?tt p? dessa kvinnor ?r offer media och dokument?rer fr?n dessa omr?den. Eftersom den bilden ?r inte sann. Dessa beh?ver aldrig ta upp de juridiska f?rdelarna kvinnor har h?r n?r de gifter sig, och varf?r s? m?nga utl?ndska kvinnor vill gifta sig med en italienare. Och varf?r finns det inte en studie av hur m?nga kvinnor som arbetade f?re och efter br?llopet?

N?r ett par gifter sig ?r kvinnan inne i mannens ekonomiska cirkel. Vilket inneb?r att om mannen inte har varit smart nog att skydda sina tillg?ngar, kan han nog aldrig kunna skilja sig eller m?ste d?da f?r att bli av med sin fru. Om han vill skiljas, ska mannen bibeh?lla kvinnans livsstil f?r resten av hennes liv eller tills hon gifter sig igen. Detta inneb?r att han m?ste betala en m?natlig summa till sin exfru tills hon d?r eller gifter sig igen. Detta g?ller inte om kvinnan ?r rik och mannen inte, han f?r inte ett ?re.

Som m?nga h?r har sett ?r att inom ett ?r efter ?ktenskapet f?ds f?rsta barnet. P? detta s?tt ?r hon garanterad till mannens hus tills det yngsta barnet ?r 18 ?r gammal. S? inte bara ska han betala, han f?rlorar ocks? sitt hem. Och som m?nga kanske har m?rkt att kvinnan ofta slutar att arbeta efter br?llopet eftersom hon vet att han m?ste f?rs?rja henne.

Om mannen vill skiljas, (jag skriver mannen eftersom det ofta ?r mannen som s?nder en beg?ran), beror det p? om de gifte sig i kyrkan eller civilt. Om de gifte sig i kyrkan, som de flesta g?r, tar skilsm?ssan ?r, minst 3-4 ?r, och kostar mycket pengar f?r mannen f?rst?s. Det civila inom ett ?r och ett fast belopp. F?r att undvika att hans exfru f?r hans tillg?ngar, ?r hans hem ofta registrerad som hans faders egendom, och f?r att undvika att betala f?r sin exfru slutar m?nga g?nger att han skriver in sig hos sina f?r?ldrar, bor n?gon annanstans och g?r sig sj?lv arbetsl?s och finner ett jobb som inte ?r registrerad. Utan registrerad inkomst, kan han inte betala till henne. V?rdnaden av barnen f?r mamman automatiskt ?ven om hon inte har n?gon inkomst.

Har f?ljt vissa kvinnomordsfall och sett att m?nga g?nger ?r historien densamma, mannen vill skiljas men han kan inte p? grund av ekonomiska sk?l. Detta ?r en stor anledning till varf?r s? m?nga kvinnor blir d?dade av sina m?n.

Personligen k?nner jag vissa m?n i denna shitty situation. Allt de vill ?r att ex-frun p? n?got s?tt f?rsvinner f?r evigt eller gifter sig igen. En man betalar 800 ? f?r sin exfru, 350 ? f?r sitt barn. Han f?r se sitt barn tv? g?nger i m?naden under 24 timmar. Han och hans nya kvinna kan inte starta ett nytt liv tillsammans tills kyrkliga skilsm?ssan g?r igenom. Tre ?r har redan g?tt. Hans f?re detta fru ?r ung och kan arbeta, men hon beh?ver inte eftersom hon f?r 1150 ? per m?nad f?r evigt fr?n hennes exmake att komma. Han var smart nog att n?r han k?pte fastigheter, ?r allt registrerad p? hans familj. Hon f?r inte n?gon del av detta.

?r detta vettigt?

Sen s?ger folk att de inte skiljer sig som vi g?r i v?ra gudl?sa l?nder. Tja, h?r ?r en skilsm?ssa separata sovrum eller mannen bor i en annan bostad, men paret ?r registrerat under samma adress. Icke officiella skilsm?ssor h?r ?r lika vanliga som officiella ?r i v?ra l?nder med enklare lagstiftning.

Crocetta and MUOS

Crocetta is doing a lot to stop MUOS, the american mega antenna project for military purposes, but it is difficult. If Sicily do not withdraw the block of work, Sicily has to pay 18 million Euros for damages. Law is the law…

Source: Antenna Sicilia

Crocetta g?r mycket f?r att stoppa MUOS, det amerikanska megaantenn projektet f?r milit?ra ?ndam?l, men det ?r sv?rt. Om Sicilien inte ?terkallar blockningen av arbetet, m?ste Sicilien betala 18 miljoner euro f?r skadest?nd. Lagen ?r lagen

There is another side too…

Italy has quite a reputation of frauds and games in business and yes, that is true. But it is not only the companies fault. Major part of italians has a business culture to become rich in one day. They do not plan 15 years ahead nor do they think about sustainable business nor what kind of a country they leave for their children. And here are some examples during the years.
– In one sector we are developing slowly a collaboration with a material Italy produces. Our group is looking for a normal commission of 3,5 – 4 USD and we who have arranged the contact and contracts will be out in 3-4 years and then leave each part doing business by themselves.
Italians on the other side are asking 30 USD in commission and stay in the contract forever.
– In export a normal italian commission is up to 25%. Normally 10-19%. Including trips and holiday houses from the producer. I work with much less than that and then producers pays travels to exhibitions if we need to go, but we don’t. And we have created a much faster and flexibel system than the one that exists. In 4 years they have all paid and we just have a handshake as a contract. I can not ask for more because it is not me taking the risk and it is good money anyway.
– When italian consultants has e.g. an admistrational task, they ask for commission from buyer and seller. Just like italian real estate agents. So they expect double pay. Many times in construction they try to get into the project to get 3% of the total project value. No one pays six figures for some paperwork. Finders fee they have never even heard about.
These are major reasons why many italian companies let the deal go through, pay 2-3 times to italians and then stop paying. Then italians who fixed this, feels lured and gets angry. But you can never ask for too much. No one can pay the kind of agreements they ask for.

I never get involved in the italian side of business, because then the problem is also mine. No thank you!
Then doing business with italians is great as long as you stay out from becoming a group. 🙂 Leave the local issues to them to solve.

Italien har ett rykte om bedr?gerier och spel i aff?rer och ja, det ?r sant. Men det ?r inte bara f?retagens fel. St?rre delen av italienare har en f?retagskultur att bli rik p? en dag. De planerar inte 15 ?r fram?t eller har en h?llbar aff?rsverksamhet eller t?nker p? vilken typ av land som de l?mnar till sina barn. Och h?r ?r n?gra exempel under ?ren.
– I en bransch utvecklar vi sakta ett samarbete med ett material Italien producerar. V?r grupp ?r ute efter en normal provision p? 3,5-4 USD och vi som har arrangerat kontakten och kontrakten kommer att vara involverad i 3-4 ?r och sedan l?mnas vi utanf?r s? parterna g?r aff?rer sj?lva.Italienarna p? andra sidan ber om 30 USD i kommission och vara involverad i kontraktet f?r evigt.?
– I exporten ?r en normal italiensk provision upp till 25%. Normalt 10-19%. Inklusive resor och semesterhus fr?n producenten. Jag jobbar med mycket mindre ?n s? och sen betalar producenterna resor till utst?llningar om vi beh?ver g?, men vi ?ker inte. Och vi har skapat ett mycket snabbare och flexibelt system ?n det som existerar. Under fyra ?r har alla betalat och vi har bara ett handslag som kontrakt. Jag kan inte beg?ra mer, eftersom det ?r inte jag som tar risken och det ?r bra pengar ?nd?.
?– N?r italienska konsulter har t.ex. en admistrativ uppgift, fr?gar de om provision fr?n k?pare och s?ljare. Precis som italienska fastighetsm?klare. S? de f?rv?ntar dubbel l?n. M?nga g?nger i byggnadsbranschen f?rs?ker de komma in i projektet f?r att f? 3% av den totala projektv?rdet. Ingen betalar sex siffror f?r lite pappersarbete. Finders fee har de aldrig ens h?rt talas om.Dessa ?r viktiga sk?l till varf?r m?nga italienska f?retag l?ter aff?ren g? igenom, betala 2-3 g?nger till italienare och sedan sluta betala. Sedan de italienare som ordnat aff?ren, k?nns lurade och blir arga. Men du kan aldrig be om f?r mycket. Ingen kan betala den typ av avtal de ber om.

Jag blir aldrig engagerad i den italienska sidan av verksamheten, f?r d? blir problemen ocks? mina. Nej tack!

Sedan att g?ra aff?rer med italienare ?r mycket bra s? l?nge du h?ller dig borta fr?n att bli en grupp. 🙂 L?mna de lokala fr?gor till dem att l?sa.

To renew a driving licence in Italy

Go directly yourself to Motorizazzione. Do not go to driving schools, send a friend or local family member.
My driving licence expired last year because of residential issues and had to renew it too late. Because of so much things to solve after the residential hassle was done, I asked a friend who owns a driving school to fix the paper work to renew the licence and all that needs to get paid and he asked for 85 euro and it was ok.
After three months of his “fixing time” he could not solve it. He said that my government in Sweden has to send a letter that says I have a driving licence with a stamp etc (we do not even use stamps in Sweden!!). No, as EU citizen you don’t have too. Outside EU you need a translated document from your government.
Go directly to the office to save time and alot of bullshit.
You have to get two documents from Motorizzazione and two bills to pay: 9? and 29,24?
Then you have to buy a bolla 14,62? from a Tabaccaio for the medical visit. A valid medical center they inform you of at Motorizazzione.
Then you need 4 photos of yourself, copy of your Codice Fiscale, Passport and present driving licence.
Go in with all papers and it’s done.
For appr. 50 euro you fix it yourself.
You have to renew a expired driving licence within a year, but if you are lucky they help you anyway…and most office people I have met are friendly.

Procedure may be changed by time.

G? direkt sj?lv till Motorizazzione. G? inte till trafikskolor, skicka en v?n eller lokal familjemedlem.
Mitt k?rkort gick ut f?rra ?ret p? grund av folkbokf?ringsproblem och var tvungen att f?rnya det f?r sent. Eftersom s? mycket saker var tvugna att l?sas efter att besv?ret var klart, fr?gade jag en v?n som ?ger en k?rskola att fixa pappersarbetet f?r att f?rnya k?rkortet och allt som beh?ver betalas, och han bad f?r 85 euro, och det var ok.
Efter tre m?nader av hans fixa tidhade han inte l?st det. Han sa att min regering i Sverige m?ste att skicka ett brev som s?ger att jag har ett k?rkort med en st?mpel etc (vi anv?nder inte ens st?mplar i Sverige!). Nej, som EU-medborgare beh?ver du inte. Kommer du fr?n utanf?r EU beh?ver du ett ?versatt dokument fr?n regeringen.
G? direkt till kontoret f?r att spara tid och mycket skitsnack.
Du f?r tv? dokument fr?n Motorizzazione och tv? r?kningar att betala: 9 ? och 29,24 ??

Sen m?ste man k?pa en Bolla 14,62 ? fr?n en Tabaccaio f?r l?karbes?k. En giltig v?rdcentral informera de dig om p? Motorizazzione.
Du beh?ver 4 foton av dig sj?lv, kopia av din Codice Fiscale, pass och nuvarande k?rkort.
G? in med alla papper och det ?r gjort.

F?r cirka 50 euro fixar du allt sj?lv.

Du m?ste f?rnya ett utg?nget k?rkort inom ett ?r, men om du har tur de hj?lper dig ?nd?och de flesta kontorsm?nniskor jag har tr?ffat ?r v?nliga.

Proceduren kan ?ndras med tiden.

Söka jobb? Gör det extra korrekt!

Har du tÀnkt flytta till Italien? Grattis, ett mycket bra val. Ha bara i Ätanke att om du vill ha information, sök och frÄga pÄ mÄnga olika stÀllen. Idag fick jag veta att bara europass CVt gÀller i Italien. I bl.a. Sverige skriver vi CV i helt annan stil, Internationell modell.

HĂ€r MÅSTE du skriva att de har rptt att anvĂ€nda ditt CV samt vilken lag som gĂ€ller, plus din underskrift! Se till att fĂ„ europass CVt enligt italiensk modell INNAN du söker jobb. I denna finns alla kolumner och lagar samt underskriftsmöjligheter som kommer att behövas för att de överhuvudtaget kan kolla Ă„t ditt hĂ„ll. Detta land Ă€r överfullt av lagar och underskrifter.

Den tekniska biten: Fick igĂ„r frĂ„gan om jag kan anvĂ€nda datorer pĂ„ avancerad nivĂ„. Mitt svar: “TyvĂ€rr kan jag inte bygga hemsidor och sĂ„dant! Men vanliga program som Word och Excel gĂ„r bra.” Vad han ville veta var om jag kunde genomföra en fĂ€rdigstĂ€lld presentation genom att blĂ€ddra sida pĂ„ dataskĂ€rmen och berĂ€tta samtidigt. Kunde man inte det redan sedan barnsben? Skriv all datakunskap i ditt CV: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, E-Post osv. Den nivĂ„ i datakunskap som vi fĂ„r i skolan Ă€r guld vĂ€rd! HĂ€r tar man extra kurser för att lĂ€ra sig basprogrammen. TĂ€nk all den kompetens vi fĂ„r i skolan i Sverige! Helt underbart! Har fĂ„tt Ă€ran att visa hur t.ex. Word-dokument skrivs och nĂ€sta minikurs blir PowerPoint. Skönt att vara till nytta!

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